
10 years from now

As I gaze into the future, contemplating what I will become years from now, I am filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. While the path ahead may be uncertain, I am confident that I can shape my destiny with passion, persistence, and dedication.  I strive to achieve success in my chosen career. Whether I pursue a profession in medicine, business, or the arts, I am committed to honing my skills and expanding my knowledge. I will invest time and effort into furthering my education, staying ahead of industry trends, and continuously seeking opportunities for growth. By becoming a respected expert in my field, I will not only achieve personal satisfaction but also inspire and mentor others who aspire to follow a similar path. In conclusion, as I contemplate what I will become years from now, I envision myself as a successful professional for positive change. By pursuing excellence in my chosen career, leading with compassion, and actively working towards creating a better world, I a

Change starts within me

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is easy to point fingers and blame others for the problems we face. However, true and lasting change begins with an individual's willingness to look within themselves. It is essential to recognize that change starts within me. Each of us holds the power to impact our lives and the lives of those around us. By taking responsibility for our actions and attitudes, we can cultivate a positive change that ripples outward, inspiring others to do the same. Firstly, changing oneself requires self-awareness and introspection. It is crucial to understand one's strengths and weaknesses, desires, and fears. Without this inner reflection, we may continue to repeat the same patterns that hinder us and hinder our ability to grow. By acknowledging areas in our lives that require improvement and seeking the necessary help or resources, we open the door to personal growth and transformation. Whether it is seeking therapy to address past traumas, a

Light of the House

Mother's Day is a special day celebrated across the world to honor and appreciate mothers and mother figures. It is a day to show gratitude and love for all the sacrifices and hard work that mothers put in to raise their children. The celebration of Mother's Day dates back to ancient times, and today, it is a widely recognized and celebrated holiday that brings families together to cherish the love and care of mothers. Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, but the sentiment behind it remains the same. It is a day to celebrate the selfless love and devotion of mothers and recognize their contributions to society. From staying up all night to care for a sick child to sacrificing their own needs and desires for the sake of their children, mothers are the epitome of unconditional love and care. Ultimately, Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the impact that mothers have on our lives and to express our appreciation for all that they do. Whether it

Celebrating Labor's day

The key goals of Labor Day is to raise awareness about workers' rights and to advocate for better working conditions. This includes fair wages, safe working environments, and reasonable working hours. It is a day to celebrate the hard work of employees and to emphasize the importance of respecting their contributions to society. Labor Day is also a time to reflect on the role of labor unions in advocating for workers' rights. These organizations have played a crucial role in improving working conditions, negotiating better wages and benefits, and ensuring that workers have a voice in the workplace. It is a day to recognize the important role that unions have played in the past and continue to play today. In summary, Labor Day is an annual holiday that celebrates the contributions and achievements of working people around the world. It is a time to reflect on the struggles and sacrifices made by workers in the past to secure better working conditions and fair treatment. Labor Da

Another quarter finished

 As we reflect on the past few months, it is clear that the challenges we have faced have been significant. The pressures of school work, personal struggles, and the uncertainty of the world around us have tested our resilience and strength. However, it is important to recognize that we have also experienced moments of joy, triumph, and growth during this time. We have learned valuable lessons about perseverance and the importance of relying on our support systems, and we have discovered our own capacity for resilience. One of the most important lessons we have learned during this period is the value of perseverance. When we face challenges or setbacks, it can be easy to become discouraged and give up. However, we have learned that success often comes from continued effort and dedication. We have realized that it is not enough to hope that things will get better; we must actively work towards our goals, even when progress seems slow or non-existent. This requires patience, determinatio

Reflecting and Renewing: The Spiritual Journey of Lent 2023

The Lenten season is a period of 40 days that is observed by many Christians in preparation for Easter. It is a time of reflection, penance, and spiritual renewal that is meant to deepen one's relationship with God. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the season and ends on Holy Thursday, which marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. During Lent, many Christians choose to give up certain pleasures or indulge in fasting and abstinence as a form of sacrifice. The idea behind this is to emulate Jesus' 40-day fast in the desert, as recorded in the Bible. Christians may also choose to do acts of charity or give to the less fortunate, as a way of living out their faith and following Jesus' example of love and compassion. The Lenten season is a time of spiritual growth and transformation. By observing the season, Christians are able to reflect on their lives, repent for their sins, and renew their commitment to God. It is a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus

Highschool Day 2023: My first and last experience as a Junior high student

The Ilocos Sur National High School High School Day celebration is an important event that highlights the achievements of the school community. This year's celebration, held on March 25, 2023, was particularly significant because it marked the school's return to its annual tradition after the pandemic disrupted the previous events. The day was filled with various activities that showcased the talents and skills of the students, recognized the contributions of the faculty members and employees, and emphasized the importance of excellence and solidarity in shaping the future of the community. The program started with a Thanksgiving mass, expressing gratitude for the blessings received and the successful organization of the event. The opening remarks from the school principal and the Schools Division Superintendent set the tone for the day's activities, emphasizing the importance of excellence and solidarity. The inspirational talk from an outstanding alumna of the school enco